What if best practices were the norm?

For my Italian speakers, there's also a video recording of a talk I did about the same topic. If you prefer listening to stuff you might enjoy it!

During my second year of university I followed an amazing course dedicated to object-oriented programming, held by one of the best professors I've ever had the pleasure to meet. It focused not only on the language in itself β€” Java, in this case β€” but also on the best practices we ought to follow to make code easier to refactor and reason about. To me, a freshman who only knew C, that felt almost like magic and I quickly fell in love with Java.

Quite a few years have passed since then, and my honeymoon phase with Java is long over. As I learned new languages and grew as a developer, I've come to dislike a lot of the ceremonies and self-imposed restrictions that can come with good object-oriented code.

What if the best practices I'm forcing myself to follow (with good reason, don't get me wrong!) were easier to adopt and put into practice? Heck, what if they were the only way to write code and not some rule that could be ignored?

What if best practices were the norm?


Lies, lies, lies

Java is a powerful language that gives us a lot of room to write clean, expressive code. However, with great power comes great responsibility and we have to learn that even some of the core features of the language can turn into a footgun if not used with great care. That's why we need some rules to constrain ourselves and make sure our programs will be well-behaved under all circumstances.

Take for example null references, the bane of every Java programmer's existence. Every time we return null from a method we are condemning another programmer β€” or our future selves β€” to deal with a much dreaded NullPointerException.

The problem is that nulls are a sneaky way for our methods to lie about their actual behaviour. To see what I mean by that, let's look at an example:

class User {
  // For this super simple example a User just has an id and a name
  public final int id;
  public final String name;

  public User(final int id, final String name) {
    this.id = id;
    this.name = name;

  public static User load(int id) {
    // ...

The implementation of load is not important, and it shouldn't be! This method may fetch a user from a database, an in-memory store, or somewhere else entirely. The point is we don't want to go and dive into the implementation of every method we use. To me, that's where the beauty of static types lies: just by reading the signature of a method we can get a pretty good hunch of what to expect.

So, what is load's signature telling us? "Give me an int and I'll get you a User". Great! Let's put it to good use and do something useful:

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    User user = User.load(1);
    System.out.println("The user with id 1 has name " + user.name);

A seasoned Java developer might already have spotted the myriad of ways in which this seemingly harmless snippet of code could fail: if load returns a null reference or throws a runtime exception our code will crash at runtime. But how am I expected to know that when the method is lying about its behaviour? It says that it returns a User when in fact it might return a null reference or just crash with an exception and return nothing at all!

We have to remember to check for null references and catch possible exceptions:

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      User user = User.load(1);
      if (user != null) {
        System.out.println("The user with id 1 has name " + user.name);
      } else {
        System.out.println("There's no user with id 1");
    } catch {
      System.out.println("Error loading the user with id 1");

The crux of the problem is that nothing forced me to add any checks! I had to be diligent and remember to add those. The easy thing to do β€” simply accessing the name property of the user, disregarding any possible check β€” is not the correct one! It follows that forgetting to add a null check or a try-catch is bound to happen; it's not a matter of if, but when: developers can be in a rush, have tight deadlines, or simply be tired after many hours in front of a screen!


Gleam to the rescue

What if, instead of having to be always on the lookout, the language could make sure that no function failure could go undetected? That sounds almost too good to be true but as it turns out, not only is this possible, but it's also easier than you might expect!

Enters Gleam: a friendly, simple, and pragmatic programming language that, among other things, has no runtime exceptions or null pointers! Let's see how the example I showed you earlier in Java might look in Gleam:

type User {
  // For this super simple example a User just has an id and a name
  User(id: Int, name: String)

With this definition we're creating a User type and saying that users only have two fields called "id" and "name" with types Int and String. We could define a couple of users like this:

pub fn main() {
  let rob = User(1, "Rob")
  let ben = User(2, "Ben")

As you might have noticed, keywords aside, this is not extremely different from the Java version, there's no new keyword to create things and you might be wondering where all the getters and setters have gone. Bear with me, we'll get to that later.

And now onto the most important piece: the function to load users; as usual we don't care about its implementation, with a quick look at its type we can already discover what matters most.

pub fn load(id: Int) -> Result(User, Nil) {
  //                 ^^ the return type of the function
  //                    comes after this arrow
  // ...

The function doesn't simply return a User but a special type: a Result. What does it mean? In case everything goes right the function is going to return a user, as expected. However, in case something goes wrong we're getting a Nil instead. So the function can still fail (and it will) but it's impossible to forget about it! A Result acts as a glaring and unmistakable sign that things might not turn out as expected.

The invaluable advantage this approach gives us is that we're no longer on our own when performing error checking. The compiler can now point out every single piece of code where things might fail that we forgot to check. It's like having a friendly programmer by our side who never gets tired; they can point to all of our pieces of code that, if not taken care of, might turn into runtime exceptions. Let's see what happens if we're not careful with the load function:

// This is how you define the main in Gleam
pub fn main() {
  let user = load(1)
  io.println("The user with id 1 has name " <> user.name)
  //                                               ^^^^^
  // This field does not exist.
  // The value being accessed has this type:
  //     Result(User, Nil)
  // It does not have any fields.

The code won't even compile! We're trying to treat a Result like a User but that's not possible, since a call to load might have failed. Compare this with the Java example I showed you earlier, where the compiler would gladly accept our code even though it could result in a runtime exception.


Pattern matching, or the superpower of functional programming

How can we get a user out of a Result, then? That can be achieved with pattern matching. To get the previous broken code snippet to compile we can do something like this:

pub fn main() {
  case load(1) {
    Ok(user) -> io.println("The user with id 1 has name " <> user.name)
    Error(Nil) -> io.println("There's no user with id 1")

Pattern matching allows you to check the shape of data; in this case, we can take different actions based on the result of the loading function: if everything went smoothly we will have a user in the Ok branch. Once again, we will never forget that a user can be missing because we're forced to deal with the Error branch as well. But what if we wanted to deal with more complex errors? A user might be missing, or there could be problems with the connection to the database (if we're fetching users from there)... just getting a generic Error(Nil) won't cut it.

Luckily it's extremly easy to change the code, first of all we need a new type to describe the possible errors that may take place:

pub type LoadError {

Now the function can return a specific error in case something goes wrong.

pub fn load(id: Int) -> Result(User, LoadError) {
  // ...

Notice how the function is now saying that it will return a more specific LoadError in case something goes wrong; that can be fundamental to deal with different failures in different ways. After this refactor we will be forced by the compiler to deal with every single error that may occur in the function, luckily that's as simple as adding a new branch to our previous pattern matching:

pub fn main() {
  case load(1) {
    Ok(user) -> io.println("The user with id 1 has name " <> user.name)
    Error(UserNotFound) -> io.println("There's no user with id 1")
    Error(ConnectionError) -> io.println("There was a connection error!")

Being able to deal with errors like this is incredibly powerful, we do not have to add new ad-hoc contructs to the languaguage like try-catch blocks. One of the design goals of Gleam is to be simple, it doesn't even have if statements, it does everything through pattern matching! If you're curious to learn more about Gleam's syntax Erika Rowland wrote a great blog post about it, do check it out!


Correct made easy

Let's take a second to appreciate this: by forcing a function to be explicit about the fact that it can fail we no longer have to rely on "best practices" (never return null references, don't use exceptions as a control flow mechanism, remember to check if objects coming from other functions are null, so on and so forth). The easy thing to do is also the right one because that's the only way to write code!

A beginner who's just started to learn Gleam won't see mysterious runtime exceptions popping up in their fun learning project just because they didn't know a slew of unwritten rules people are expected to know. An experienced Java developer won't have to waste time trying to trace back where that pesky null came from because a NullPointerException was reported in production.

A program won't crash at runtime because it's impossible for an error to go undetected. And, as I hope you might have noticed, the language doesn't have to be complex to give you these guarantees! On the contrary, it makes things easier: there's only one control flow mechanism β€” pattern matching β€” and you don't have to juggle between if statements and try-catch blocks to deal with all the possible ways a method might lie.

Addendum: what about Optional?

After posting this online I received some great feedback: people pointed that one could use Java's Optional to help avoid nulls. That's a good point! Optional is a life saver and I always rely on it when writing Java code. My point still stands: deciding to use it is a best practice, it's not the only possible way to write Java code that deals with missing values.

It can only give us some safety if we're diligent and use it properly, remember this is still perfectly valid Java code:

public static Optional<User> load(int id) {
  return null;
  // Optional is an object after all!

To add to the point, it's not that beginner friendly: I've been a teaching assistant for a couple of years now, and I've lost count of the number of students trying to do this:


Can you spot the bug? If someObject is null this will still result in a NullPointerException! These are bright students and have been taught that the proper way to do that is using Optional.ofNullable, they've even been shown examples doing it. But there's only so many rules that one can remember to apply off the top their head and this is such an easy mistake that I see it regularly in students' code.


Beware of mutable data

When learning Java our teacher really drilled into us a rule of thumb to always follow: always favour immutable data structures, when defining a class always make its fields final.

This is great advice! Removing the final annotation should only be used as a last resort. The rationale behind this practice is that having immutable data structures can make it easier to refactor and reason about code.

Over-relying on mutable state can quickly turn into an headache. Imagine users can now store their own birthday:

class User {
  public final int id;
  public final String name;
  public final Date birthday;

  public User(final int id, final String name, final Date birthday) {
    this.id = id;
    this.name = name;
    this.birthday = birthday;

  // ...

Since all the user's fields are final we can be sure that whoever is going to get a hold of a reference to a user is not going to be able to modify it:

User user = User.load(1);
user.id = 12;
// This is a compile time error, nice!

Beware! We're still not completely safe from some mutability-related bugs. We have to remember that Date is a mutable data structure: whoever gets a hold of a user might not be able to change its id or name, but can do whathever they want with their birthday.

User user = User.load(1);

And now, all of a sudden, we have a really old user! Since mutation can happen anywhere, it can be incredibly hard to trace back to the source of the problem and might require quite the debugging ability β€” and I, for one, don't have it.


A web of dependencies

An even hairier problem arise when we start sharing mutable data:

Date birthday = new Date(1998, 10, 11)
User jak = new User(1, "Jak", birthday)
User tom = new User(1, "Tom", birthday)
//   ^^^ That's my twin!

We're passing around two references to a single heap-allocated object. Now if one of the two users tries and change its birthday the same change will reflect on the other one, that's some spooky action at a distance!

And now since there's more places that rely and can change that same value, the order with which we call our functions becomes crucial:

jak.isOver18() // -> true
jak.isOver18() // -> false

We might end up breaking some invariants by simply moving a line of code around, talk about fiddly! We are caught in a web of invisible dependencies threaded throughout every method call: the order of every single method call that takes as input a mutable object is important! A strong testing suite can really help us giving confidence that our innocent-looking refactoring didn't actually break some important properties β€” easier said than done!

Is there a way out? Sort of. We can make our best to encapsulate the state of objects and never leak references to objects we don't want others to change:

class User {
  private final Date birthday;

  public User(final int id, final String name, final Date birthday) {
    this.id = id;
    this.name = name;
    this.birthday = new Date(birthday);
    //              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here we're making a defensive copy

  public Date getBirthday() {
    return new Date(this.birthday);
    //     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We return a copy of the user's birthday

  // ...

By storing and returning copies we're making sure that no one can put their hands on the user's birthday. Mutation can now happen in a single place β€” the User class β€” and can be tamed much more easily.


Making best practices the rules of the game

Our naΓ―ve attempt at writing a User class was riddled with small problems and endless possible sources of bugs. Once again, we had to be careful and remember to always store and return copies of potentially mutable data, effectively making it immutable.

If making things immutable is desirable why not make it the default? This is another great example of turning a best practice into the only possible way to write code. If making things immutable has so many advantages let's make it the only possible way to do things! Every data structure defined in Gleam is immutable by default:

let birthday = Date(1998, 10, 11)
let jak = User(1, "Jak", birthday)
let tom = User(1, "Tom", birthday)

Is it safe to share the same birthday here, or are we bound to run into the same issues we found in the corresponding Java version? Since everything is immutable we can answer with peace of mind: yes, it's safe! Let's appreciate how we now have one less thing to constantly worry about.

"But how can I do anything useful if I can't mutate data?" I hear you cry. You're right, you can't write a program the same way you would if you could mutate data; you can't even have a for loop β€” after all, even increasing a loop counter counts as mutation and that's not allowed.

It can require some getting used to at first but trust me, it's absolutely possible to write useful programs even if you can't mutate stuff. For now I'll just focus on the advantages this approach gives us and I'm not going to explain how to program with immutable data. That might be worthy of a blog post of its own in the future.


The art of code formatting

Learning a programming language is only a small part of the picture, though. As developers, we also have to rely on a variety of tool: linters, formatters, build tools, and the list could go on. For this blog post I'll focus on my favourite one: formatters.


Consistency is key

I've never understood people who claim that programming is boring. Personal taste, creativity and imagination play such an important role in coding that if you ask a thousand developers to implement the same algorithm you'll probably get a thousand of different answers.

That's the beauty of programming β€” and what made me fall in love with it in the first place. However, it can also turn into an endless source of teeth grinding when working with other developers: we all have different tastes and everyone will push for their own style to be adopted. Take this small snippet of code, there's probably a million different ways it could be formatted:

case user {
  User(_id, "Giacomo", _birthday) -> io.println("Hello, Giacomo")
  User(_) -> io.println("Wait, who are you?")

What if we want to vertically align the case's arrows?

case user {
  User(_id, "Giacomo", _birthday) -> io.println("Hello, Giacomo")
  User(_)                         -> io.println("Wait, who are you?")

Mmh or maybe we could separate each case branch with a newline to make code breathe a bit better:

case user {
  User(_id, "Giacomo", _birthday) -> io.println("Hello, Giacomo")

  User(_) -> io.println("Wait, who are you?")

We could even decide to put what comes after the arrow on its own line:

case user {
  User(_id, "Giacomo", _birthday) ->
    io.println("Hello, Giacomo")

  User(_) ->
    io.println("Wait, who are you?")

I could go on for days adding small tweaks to the look of this bit of code. And it can be quite a fun exercise! Finding the best looking possible solution is really satisfying after all β€” and I love doing that from time to time.

The point is that we want to avoid these kind of inconsitencies in style at all costs when working with other people: imagine having a codebase where sometimes things get indented with two spaces, and sometimes with four! So, in order to enforce a single style we rely on formatters: a nifty tool take ingests your code and spits it out it in a pretty format with consistent style.

I can't express how much I love formatters, most of my contributions to the Gleam compiler are in its formatter and I even wrote a pretty printing package in Gleam, if you're curious to learn how formatting works I can recommend reading its docs, it's full of examples!


Finding the perfect style

Formatters usually come with some levers you can pull to tweak the final look of your code: decide how many spaces the indentation is, wether to remove trailing commas, vertically align arrows and variables... the possibilities are endless.

Back in my university days I remember doing a group project with three friends in Scala. We decided to use scalafmt, a formatter that comes with more than 70 (I started counting and then got tired) such levers. I had the greatest fun reading through the documentation and discovering all choices I could make; needless to say, we spent way too much time trying to agree on the final style.


No bikeshedding allowed here

Sometimes having too much freedom can be counter productive. Having a configurable formatter can have some drawbacks: first of all you'll have to take your time to decide the formatter configuration, decision fatigue anyone? And then what happens if the configuration doesn't fit one's tastes? Knowing that it can be changed will inevitably lead to someone proposing to change it! What's worse is that different projects will most likely have different styles.

Gleam does something really cool in my opinion: the language comes with a built-in formatter with zero configuration. Loosing the ability to tweak the output of the formatter has some nice consequences: first of all, it's impossible to lose time bikeshedding. All choices about the look of Gleam code are taken by the language, developers won't ever have to worry about it (and if the formatter is good enough, will probably never feel this is a limitation).

What's most important is that every single Gleam project will have a nice and familiar look. Once again, there's one less thing to worry about!



Writing code is hard, writing good code is even harder. That's why, when learning a new programming language like Java, we also have to learn a slew of "best practices". That might require a lot of effort and discipline, but will help us avoid a lot of common pitfalls that countless other developers have fallen into before us.

The problem with best practices is that those are... well, just practices. Nothing is forcing us to follow those, and having a rule that can be ignored is like having no rule at all! To cite just one example: null pointers and unchecked exceptions are the bane of every Java programmer. We know how tricky those are and strive to avoid using those, yet everyone will have encountered the dreaded NullPointerException at least once in their Java programming carreer. As programmers we're incredibly good at ignoring the million possible ways in which our code can fail and will eventually forget a null check or a try.

A language like Gleam takes a radically different approach by making best practices the norm. null is bad? Get rid of it. Exceptions are a pain to deal with? Make sure the compiler helps us out. Mutability leads to brittle code that's harder to refactor? Make everything immutable. Having a configurable formatter leads to bikeshedding and decision fatigue? Get rid of the configuration.

The language only shows you a single, well-defined path: it gently pushes you into a pit of succes, instead of dropping you in the middle of a maze of choices and unwritten rules.

A beginner will find a welcoming language where it's harder to mess up simple stuff while the experienced developer will enjoy the productivity and peace of mind of not having to worry about a million different pitfalls.

Phew, that was quite long! I hope you enjoyed this article as much as I've enjoyed writing it. I hope you'll be around for the next one!